Turkey Rod Run

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Turkey Rod Run

Post by earlsflyincobra »

Anyone attending this year? As usual I'll be there working ~~(< , unfortunately, I don't think I'll have any passes, these new folks are tight with them ~~(/) ~~(/) , but I can offer short rides on my golf cart ..] ..]

Cobra's still in the paint shop, AIN"T gonna be ready in time :( :( :( :GR> :GR> :GR>

Posts: 59
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Re: Turkey Rod Run

Post by cHarley »

Going with Carl and some car guys from Saint augustine on Friday, see you there.

Tom Wells
Posts: 976
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 7:34 pm

Re: Turkey Rod Run

Post by Tom Wells »


I'm away - what else is new!

Mike says he is going and Tony too. Not sure Fri or Sat.

See you later,

Posts: 628
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Re: Turkey Rod Run

Post by mooreken »

If my Hot rod buddy can make it we will be there on Friday.
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