DSCC Newsletter Summer 2018

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Tom Wells
Posts: 976
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 7:34 pm

DSCC Newsletter Summer 2018

Post by Tom Wells »

Summer 2018

Deep South Cobra Club
Summer Newsletter

Now that it's officially summer, the heat and rainy season is just starting. Don't forget to feed and take care of your cobra during this time. It is so easy to forget that these beasts need to be exercised often to continue to be ready for an extended cruise from time to time. If you need to do any tune ups, this is the time to start them. As we all know, what starts out as a tune up, can easily become much more. Don't wait until the last minute! I want to see everyone in a cobra this year, not your family van following the crowd. We have the most fun when everyone is enjoying their cobras to the fullest. That's what this club is for! We all enjoy having a cobra and this event is for just that purpose. Of course, if your car is not ready, we still want you to be part of the cruise. All we ask is that you let us know if you are bringing alternate transportation. As with every event, it is being planned for the membership only.
This year, we have over 100 members. Not all have their own cobra, but we would love to have every member attend our events and cruises. I can't think of anything better than seeing everyone with the same passion and love for the cobra.

Spring Cruise - 2018
Our longtime DSCC club member, Ricky Harper, masterly completed another successful Spring Cruise event originating in the Guntersville, Alabama area. Rick puts his heart and soul into each cruise and adds many events to keep your attention throughout the weekend. I have heard nothing short of "Best Ever" from those that attended. Ricky, I would like to "Thank you" from all the DSCC membership.

Summer Mountain Cruise - August
DSCC members, Billy & Kathy Godfrey, are our hosts for this year's Summer Mountain Cruise. Severe weather last year ultimately cancelled the proposed cruise that Billy and the club had been waiting all summer for. He has had time to make things even more memorable for this year's Summer Cruise.

This year's event will be based in Franklin, North Carolina. The dates will be August 23 to August 26. Arrival on Thursday with cruising on Friday and Saturday departing for home on Sunday. We will be staying at the Hampton Inn in Franklin. A group rate contract with them has been established for DSCC Members. A room rate of $107.10 plus taxes has been set with a cancellation cutoff date of seven days prior to arrival. We are only holding 15 to 20 rooms (king or queen) at this rate, which will be honored until all rooms are booked. You will need to call them direct at (828) 369-0600 to get this rate. Let them know that you are with the Deep South Cobra Club. If you choose to use Honors points, you need to book on their website. If you do, be sure to mention in the comments section that you are with the DSCC. Please contact Billy at happy777@myemc.net, if you have any questions and let him know that you are going!

DSCC Reptile Roundup - Melbourne, Florida
October 25 to October 28, 2018
Your Secretary & Board member, Mike Cheek, has been putting together some great cruising routes and stops for this year's Reptile Roundup. This year's cruise includes a cruise to a private car collection museum while we take advantage of being so close to the ocean and plenty of great seafood restaurants. He has even scheduled some time for shopping at the historic Cocoa Village.
Most of the details have already been scheduled and we are putting the finishing touches on the route this summer. If you know or have a favorite spot to share for the cruise, be sure to share with Mike.

Reservations can now be made at the Hampton Inn Hotel. A block of rooms have been secured for $89.00/night in the name of DSCC. Please let them know that you are a member of the Deep South Cobra Club to get your lower room price. I have looked at the rooms and they are very nice. This hotel is brand new. Parking is available 360 degrees around the hotel.
Hampton Inn & Suites
4520 Durham Drive
West Melbourne, FL 32904

Board Member Election for 2019
As President, I will be stepping down from my executive board position for 2019. It has been an experience of a lifetime and I want to thank everyone for that opportunity. My desire is to stay involved in the club affairs, but as with any position, it is time for someone else to captain this ship.

It is never too early to nominate another DSCC member for any future open board positions. At the end of this calendar year, we should have a couple of board positions to fill along with President and Secretary as Mike will be vacating his position as Secretary as well. If you, or someone you know would like to become a board member, or better yet, an executive position, please feel free to contact Mike Cheek, DSCC Secretary and make that official nomination to the board. We will follow up with the final list for elections in December.

Seize the moment and completely enjoy your cobra! Please share your fun with those you meet along the way. One of the best moments of any cruise with the club is when you stop and park as a group in some small town. With 20-25 cars rolling into a parking lot, we become a rolling car show. I can't tell you the times one of our members have offered a child the chance to sit in the car while the parents take photos of the event. You become a hero to someone and a family memory of a lifetime for everyone.

We hope to see everyone at the Summer Mountain Cruise in Franklin, North Carolina.

Don't forget to put our 2018 Reptile Roundup in Melbourne, Florida on your calendar for October.

Be safe and responsible with these insanely powerful cars. Have a great summer!


Bruce H. Miller
Deep South Cobra Club

Join Us On Facebook

We now have a private page on Facebook where we can communicate and interact with one another to post most anything Cobra related, photos, events, or whatever you feel might be of interest. If you are on Facebook, go to Deep South Cobra Club - members only and request that your name be added. Remember this is for members only.

Deep South Cobra Club, 16431 Peru Rd, Umatilla, FL 32784
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